Dayton, Ohio Crime is on SpotCrime!
SpotCrime has started to map crime data in Dayton, Ohio!
The Dayton Police Department pushes crime information to the public via their own website. SpotCrime uses that information to map Dayton.
Why map the crime data on our map too you ask?
SpotCrime has over half a million subscribers. That's roughly more than 5 million email alerts we send out on a monthly basis to our subscribers. We figure the more eyes we can get on the crime, the safer the communities will become!
So go ahead, check out the Dayton PD website and SpotCrime. Figure out which one you like best.
Just remember, it doesn't matter which map and alerts you prefer, just as long as you share the information with your neighbors.
Stay aware, stay safe!
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Why map the crime data on our map too you ask?
SpotCrime has over half a million subscribers. That's roughly more than 5 million email alerts we send out on a monthly basis to our subscribers. We figure the more eyes we can get on the crime, the safer the communities will become!
So go ahead, check out the Dayton PD website and SpotCrime. Figure out which one you like best.
Just remember, it doesn't matter which map and alerts you prefer, just as long as you share the information with your neighbors.
Stay aware, stay safe!