
Showing posts with the label crime

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: retail theft, DNA, measuring anti-crime efforts

Massachusetts releases officer disciplinary records, relationship between food insecurity and family violence, retail theft concerns and cracking down, measuring anti crime efforts, cost of body cams, DNA processing, criminal justice data tools, holistic alternatives to criminal justice, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Mass. police oversight board releases 1000s of officer disciplinary records  (MassLive) East Bay police officers arrested in FBI raid  (NBC Bay Area) Embodying Evidence to Action: Tracking the Impact of Three Key NIJ Research Investments  (NIJ) CRIME RATE Examining the Relationship Between Food Insecurity and Family Violence: a Systematic Narrative Review  (Springer Link) Retail theft: Walmart, Home Depot, Target detail 'unacceptable amount' of crime  (Yahoo!Finance) see also:  San Francisco ‘Crime Shadow’ Report Predicts the Next Commercial Real Estate Collapses  (The San Francisco Standard) and also:  Retailers are shaping a wave of laws to crack down on organized t

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Data sharing, violent crime, police turnover

Kansas police force raids newspaper and publisher's home, facilitating law enforcement data sharing, turnover in police agencies, violent crime falling, cost-benefit analysis of gun shot detection, license plate readers, women in prison, and more... POLICE CONDUCT A central Kansas police force sparked a firestorm by raiding a newspaper and the publisher’s home  (AP News) Grant-funding opportunities to facilitate law enforcement data sharing  (Police1) Chicago’s newly selected top cop says reducing violence, officers’ well being among top priorities  (KTSM) Turnover in Large US Policing Agencies Following the George Floyd Protests  (CRIMRXIV) 911: Don't Hang Up!  (City of Raleigh) Clergy call for resignation of Indianapolis Police Chief Randal Taylor  (Indy Star) CRIME RATE Violent crime is falling in Philly  (AXIOS Philly) The Post-Pandemic Murder Wave Is Cresting  (WSJ) 'The plan is working': Albany city leaders see decrease in crime, increase in illegal handgun arrest

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Social media fueling violence, mental health response teams, smart city models

Paperwork amounts to stress, new emergency response teams for mental health, social media fueling homicides in young Americans, lead exposure linked to higher risk of criminal behavior, smart city model bears fruit, body cam skeptics, police officer names secret, hiding mistreatment behind FOIA, treating addiction in prison, and more... POLICE CONDUCT “It's frustrating … I didn’t join to sit behind a desk”: Police paperwork as a source of organizational stress  (Sage Journals) Philadelphia creates new emergency response team for behavioral health calls  (CBS News Philadelphia) see also:  Long Beach launches community crisis response team to address certain calls for service  (KTLA) and also:  Albany Common Council president calls for new crime response. The proposal from Corey Ellis would create "community quality of life" patrols in the city  (Times Union) CRIME RATE How Social Media Apps Could Be Fueling Homicides Among Young Americans  (ProPublica) see also:  Young Ame

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Murder decline, traffic stops, generative AI

Solving more murders, culture of wellness in criminal justice jobs, the police personality, traffic stop disparities, drop in gun violence and murders, gun homicides down slightly, generative AI for criminal justice, reducing recidivism and worker shortage, free prison calls, and more... POLICE CONDUCT New evidence that we're solving more murders  (Slow Boring) DOJ Officials Call for 'Culture of Wellness' in Criminal Justice Jobs  (National Criminal Justice Association) The “Police Personality”: Is it Real?  (Sage Journals) Most U.S. emergency call centers are understaffed  (Axios) Kansas Cops Have 'Waged War on Motorists' by Subjecting Them to Pretextual Traffic Stops, a Federal Judge Says  (reason) see also: Pittsburgh efforts to address racial bias in traffic enforcement have reduced the number of stops, but disparities remain  (Public Source) Tickets and arrests didn’t go up when SROs reintroduced to Denver schools, police data shows  (The Colorado Sun) CRIME RA

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Mental health, homicide rate drop, open crime data

Kentucky crime stats undercounted homicides, enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement mental health, Utah County's domestic violence shelter short on space, homicide rate declines, CA red flag law, Berkeley considering license plate readers, OH Marsy's law limits public right to know, Dallas restores open data feed after ransomware attack, choosing a correctional officer position, and more... POLICE CONDUCT D.C. Offering Free Software Upgrades For Hyundai Owners At RFK Stadium This Week  ( Report: Kentucky Crime Statistics Undercounted 2022 Homicides in the State's Most Populous County  (US News) Chicago Spent $126.5M on Police Overtime in 6 Months, an Almost 50% Jump Over Last Year: Records  (WTTW) Mental Health Providers and Peers Help Enhance the Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Mental Health Interventions  (Springer Link) see also:  Miami-Dade police chief offered resignation before suicide attempt on Florida highway, mayor says  (NBC News) New report su

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Gun violence, crime data transparency, calls for service

Police mental health, calls for service overload, missing crime data, educators' view on school safety, mass killings, gun purchases over the last 6 months, body cams valuable tool, crime data feed still down in Dallas, Illinois plans to eradicate cash bail, housing and rehab for former prisoners in California, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Jury awards $13 million to LAPD officers accused of drawing Hitler mustache on arrestee  (LA Times) Evaluation of a Mental Health Liaison Program at a Small Police Department  (TandFOnline) A police officer jailed a 3-year-old for potty training trouble. He's under investigation.  (USA Today) Crime fighting plan by Savannah police using data and community contacts to fight crime  (WJCL) With staff stretched thin, Stockton Police to stop responding to some calls for service  ( A year since launching, SLO's Mobile Crisis Unit has had hundreds of calls for service  (KSBY) CRIME RATE 4 Reasons We Should Worry About Missing Crime D

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Gun violence, police transparency, camera footage

AI nonemergency call takers, White House report on improving trust and accountability in policing, doorbell footage compliance, gunfire leading cause of death for TN youth, growing up with gun violence, quitting crime, gunshot detection, cameras spark privacy debate, body cam video transparency, access to search warrants, incomplete crime data, economic benefits from criminal justice reforms, jail based mental health interventions, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Dallas Crime Data Still Dark as Year Nears Halfway Point  (Dallas Express) Are you required to comply when police request doorbell footage? 5 On Your Side investigates  (WRAL) A.I. Call Taker Will Begin Taking Over Police Nonemergency Phone Lines Next Week Artificial intelligence is “kind of a scary word for us,” admits the dispatch director.  (Williamette Week) White House report on improving trust and accountability in policing  (SpotCrime Blog) CRIME RATE How to get people to quit crime  (SlowBoring) Study finds gunfire as leadi

White House report on improving trust and accountability in policing

The White House Criminal Justice Statistics Interagency Working Group recently published a report “ Equity and Law Enforcement Data Collection, Use, and Transparency ” discussing the importance of robust data collection, analysis, and transparency in non-federal law enforcement agencies to improve trust and accountability in policing. The report highlights the need for complete, accurate, and reliable data on police activities nationwide as the United States currently has inconsistent data standards and significant gaps in data participation. The report found issues with the current status of collection, use, and transparency of policing data and discusses the challenges and variations in data collection and reporting across different law enforcement agencies. Additionally, it mentions the need for coordination and standardization within the federal data and statistical ecosystem, as well as the role of local law enforcement agencies in data collection and publishing. Without proper

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: police misconduct, unsolved crimes, youth justice

SpotCrime launches CRIMELocal to promote safety and transparency, NJ police fail to follow citizen complaint law, misconduct records published, dispatcher shortages, mental health related 911 calls, large portion of crimes go unsolved in CA, cracking down on gun crimes, tracking phones without a warrant, youth justice, and more... POLICE CONDUCT 80 NJ Police Departments Fail To Follow Citizen Complaint Law: Report  (Patch)  Attorney General publishes list of police misconduct months past due date  (New Jersey Herald) see also:  Judge Rules New York State Police Must Disclose Misconduct Records  (Reason) and also:  Shootings, assaults, lies: Oakland police misconduct revealed on new city website  ( ‘They’re here to help us’: Team that takes mental health-related 911 calls could expand citywide  (San Antonio Report) Sacramento Police Department struggling with dispatcher shortage  (CBS Sacramento) Calls, reports to sheriff increase  (Ouray County Plaindealer) Deer Park e

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: mass shootings, crime trends, ransomware attacks

Mental health specialists during emergencies, deadly year for WI police, why are there mass killings, crime trends, hacking crime wave, cities dealing with ransomware attacks, combating the Mississippi crime rate, DNA 'lab in a box', missing body cam video, erasing 'trail penalty', and more... POLICE CONDUCT N.J. advocates ‘encouraged’ by recent analysis of program that pairs cops with mental health specialists during emergency responses  (WHYY) With killing of St. Croix County deputy, 2023 deadliest year for Wisconsin police in decades  ( To combat violent crime, Salt Lake City is doing it like Dallas  (Salt Lake Tribune) CRIME RATE Why so many mass killings? Families, experts seek answers  (Associated Press) see also:  Why are Americans shooting strangers and neighbors? ‘It all goes back to fear.’  (Washington Post) A Behavioral Sequence Analysis of Mass School Shooters Examining Stressors, Antisocial Behaviors, Mental Health Issues, and Planning and Prepa

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: domestic violence, guns, surveillance

Gun violence prevention programs, police accountability, FBI gun seizures, data-driven approach to targeting gun violence, domestic violence, police surveillance, addressing violent crime, predictive policing, digital data used by police, government open data portals, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Mayor Duggan to launch gun violence prevention program at State of the City  (Detroit Free Press) Mayor to Mayor: Taking the lead on police accountability  (Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab) FBI gun seizure orders from people who fail background checks hit historic rates  (USA Today) CRIME RATE A data-driven approach to targeting gun violence  (Lockport Union-Sun & Journal) Criminal justice analysis center releases new insight into domestic violence reported in N.C.  (North Carolina Department of Public Safety) see also:  Report details how one police department addresses domestic-related repeat calls for service  ( Rise in bus driver assaults triggers new protec

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Police data, transparency, criminal justice

Using data for more equitable policing, police misconduct whistleblowers, police reforms, filming cops is protected by the fourth amendment, data-driven approach to tackle crime, juvenile violent crime, crime-fighting software illegal in Germany, improving criminal justice data collection, majority criminal cases end in plea bargains, and more... POLICE CONDUCT The Biden administration wants to know how data can be used to deliver more equitable policing.  ( Whistleblower: What happens when a police officer breaks the silent code and speaks out about misconduct? This is the story of Cariol Horne, a former Buffalo cop who tried to do the right thing and is paying the price. (Why Don't We Know podcast) San Diego Police Response Times Have Gone Up Drastically  (Voice of San Diego) Police reforms can save lives, save money, and strengthen law enforcement  (The Hill) Fourth Circuit Latest To Say Filming Cops Is Protected By The First Amendment  (Tim Cushing) CRIME RATE Did '

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Mass shootings, FBI data, justice tech

2022 deadliest year for mass shootings, police obtain location data without warrant, agencies fail to report FBI data, crime and American opinion, justice tech procurement, campus crimes, bail in Ohio, criminal codes changed in DC, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Denver city leaders launch “downtown action team” to address crime, drugs, homelessness  (Denver Post) Florida Law Enforcement Fails to Participate in FBI Annual Crime Report  (Miami New Times) see also:  Less than 25% of New York police submitted data to the FBI 2021 crime statistics  (WSHU) Police Quietly Obtain Private Location Data with a Checkbook and not a Warrant  ( CRIME RATE In wake of Colorado Springs massacre, 2022 is deadliest year for mass shootings, Northeastern expert says  ( Virginia youth from areas with high rates of crime and economic disadvantage are at the highest risk of recidivism, VCU study finds  ( Crime, American Public Opinion and the Election  (Gallup News) King County u

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: FBI data, oversight commission, cash bail

Fatal police shootings, oversight commission causes police resignations, inflammatory political campaigns and policing, FBI crime data reporting, automated license plate readers aid investigations, Dallas new site for crime watchers, data on ending cash bail, how much states spend on prisons, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Fatal Police Shootings in the United States Are Higher and Training Is More Limited Than in Other Nations  (Rutgers Today) Savannah surpasses other police departments in solving murders. Why?  (GPB News) Police Union Says SDPD Officers Are Quitting Because of Oversight Commission That Doesn’t Exist Yet  (Voice of San Diego) Lawyer claims LAPD officer was targeted for being a potential whistleblower  (CBS News) 'The Onion' filed a real brief with the Supreme Court supporting man jailed for making fun of cops  (Engadget) No info: JPD yet to report crime data on new system, Sheriff in process  (The Northside Sun) Inflammatory Political Campaigns and Racial Bias in P

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Violent crime, gun policy, prison

Law enforcement witness interviews, APD plan to address crime and public safety, school safety, gun crimes, gun policy, judges staying up to date on tech, evidentiary value of body cams, recidivism report, bail reform in Texas, jail suicide rates, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Council demands action after hearing emergency calls are getting downgraded to ‘non’ emergency  (Fox8) APD chief shares ‘pillars’ plan of addressing public safety and criminal activity in the city  (KALB) When law enforcement interview witnesses and write their statements  ( CRIME RATE Analysis: School Safety Is About More Than Keeping Guns Out of the Classroom  (The74) How Gun Policy Is Scrambling to Keep Up With Gun Culture Legislators are cracking down on gun advertisements, “ghost guns” and more. Can these efforts spur real change on gun violence?  (The Marshall Project) CA Attorney General Annual Crime Reports Note Crime Below ‘Historical Highs,’ but Gun Crime ‘Devastating’  (Davis Vanguard) Com

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: FBI data, gun violence, crime rate

FBI crime data collection still stymied, calls mount to block warrantless data collection by police, FBI failed to complete 1M gun background checks, 'systemic failures' in Uvalde, looking at the crime wave, mental health may not prevent mass shootings, kids and guns, ShotSpotter tech under fire, predicting crime with AI, Marsy's Law in FL, commercial bail industry, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Boulder police chief recognized for evidence-based policing  (Daily Camera) FBI’s Crime Data Collection Still Being Stymied By Major Police Departments Not Reporting Crime Stats  (TechDirt) Calls Mount for Blocking Warrantless Mass Data Collection  (GovTech) see also:  Amazon Ring Records Given Directly to Police in Emergencies  (Bloomberg Law) How to Defuse Police-Civilian Encounters  ( FBI Failed to Complete Nearly 1M Gun Background Checks in 2020-2021  ( Report finds 'systemic failures,' poor leadership in response to Uvalde shooting  (R