
Showing posts with the label AI

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Crime rate, homicide drop, AI in policing

Crime rate, staffing shortage, homicide drop, juvenile curfews, retail theft, police and Google, child firearm deaths, AI in policing, LMPD sued over access to police data, incarceration uptick in Arkansas, and more... POLICE CONDUCT In Louisville, only one person can discipline the police chief  (Louisville Public Media) Amid staffing shortage, Norfolk 911 averaged 750 calls daily in 2023  (WAVY) Will Jackson’s youth curfew lower crime? Research suggests no  (WJTV) CRIME RATE Why It’s Confusing to Know Whether Crime’s Really Up or Down  ( 'It is historic': US poised to see record drop in yearly homicides despite public concern over crime  (ABC News) see also:  Homicides Dropped by More Than 10% in America’s Biggest Cities in 2023, Including Chicago  (WTTW) ‘Miami is the safest it’s ever been’: Police chief credits officers, technology for lower crime rate  (Local10) Testimony: Crime Data on Retail Theft and Robberies in California  ( ‘State of the Child

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Reforms, gun violence, school crime

NJ reforms Paterson PD, CO police work history hidden, gun violence drives violent crime, Kia and Hyundai thefts, 2022 school crime data, AI to solve cases, open crime data, prison medical company goes bankrupt, and more... POLICE CONDUCT AI, Tasers and more supervision: NJ's plan to reform the troubled Paterson police department  (Gothamist) Colorado police work history data remains withheld from public despite new laws, reforms  (The Gazette) CRIME RATE The Crime Data Explorer For Dummies  (Jeff-alytics) 'We knew the numbers were bad': Law enforcement staff raised concerns about Ron DeSantis' top crime talking point  (NBC News) Hundreds of Kansas Citians are shot each year and survive. Their families have to pick up the pieces  (KCUR) Gun Incidents Drive a Climb in Violent Crime Rates  (Public Policy Institute of California) see also:  Ohio launches new intelligence center for fighting gun violence  (State Scoop) U.S. Cities Have a Staggering Problem of Kia and Hyunda

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Murder decline, traffic stops, generative AI

Solving more murders, culture of wellness in criminal justice jobs, the police personality, traffic stop disparities, drop in gun violence and murders, gun homicides down slightly, generative AI for criminal justice, reducing recidivism and worker shortage, free prison calls, and more... POLICE CONDUCT New evidence that we're solving more murders  (Slow Boring) DOJ Officials Call for 'Culture of Wellness' in Criminal Justice Jobs  (National Criminal Justice Association) The “Police Personality”: Is it Real?  (Sage Journals) Most U.S. emergency call centers are understaffed  (Axios) Kansas Cops Have 'Waged War on Motorists' by Subjecting Them to Pretextual Traffic Stops, a Federal Judge Says  (reason) see also: Pittsburgh efforts to address racial bias in traffic enforcement have reduced the number of stops, but disparities remain  (Public Source) Tickets and arrests didn’t go up when SROs reintroduced to Denver schools, police data shows  (The Colorado Sun) CRIME RA

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Gun violence, police transparency, camera footage

AI nonemergency call takers, White House report on improving trust and accountability in policing, doorbell footage compliance, gunfire leading cause of death for TN youth, growing up with gun violence, quitting crime, gunshot detection, cameras spark privacy debate, body cam video transparency, access to search warrants, incomplete crime data, economic benefits from criminal justice reforms, jail based mental health interventions, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Dallas Crime Data Still Dark as Year Nears Halfway Point  (Dallas Express) Are you required to comply when police request doorbell footage? 5 On Your Side investigates  (WRAL) A.I. Call Taker Will Begin Taking Over Police Nonemergency Phone Lines Next Week Artificial intelligence is “kind of a scary word for us,” admits the dispatch director.  (Williamette Week) White House report on improving trust and accountability in policing  (SpotCrime Blog) CRIME RATE How to get people to quit crime  (SlowBoring) Study finds gunfire as leadi

White House report on improving trust and accountability in policing

The White House Criminal Justice Statistics Interagency Working Group recently published a report “ Equity and Law Enforcement Data Collection, Use, and Transparency ” discussing the importance of robust data collection, analysis, and transparency in non-federal law enforcement agencies to improve trust and accountability in policing. The report highlights the need for complete, accurate, and reliable data on police activities nationwide as the United States currently has inconsistent data standards and significant gaps in data participation. The report found issues with the current status of collection, use, and transparency of policing data and discusses the challenges and variations in data collection and reporting across different law enforcement agencies. Additionally, it mentions the need for coordination and standardization within the federal data and statistical ecosystem, as well as the role of local law enforcement agencies in data collection and publishing. Without proper

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Gun violence, murder rate decrease, AI and police forces

Police data, military policing, relationship between income and crime, murder rate is falling, gun violence reduction plans, AI and police forces, police data transparency, license plate readers, drones as first responders, transformative juvenile justice, bond data dashboard, and more... POLICE CONDUCT APD Uses Data to Drive Policework  (Alameda Post) Researchers find little evidence military policing reduces crime  ( CRIME RATE ‘Performance crime’ on TikTok and YouTube is driving up car thefts, police say  (Fortune) Relationship between Income and Crime in Chicago  (Symposium) SAPD Chief ‘cautiously optimistic’ on violent crime plan’s progress  (KSAT) Arizona had one of the highest rates of domestic violence deaths in 2022, report finds  ( The Murder Rate is Suddenly Falling  (The Atlantic) see also:  The Tide: Drastic decline in Savannah murder statistics City police department reports only one homicide this year as of May 27  (The Current) and also:  Data sho

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Crime stats, violence intervention, surveillance

Misleading crime stats,  mental health calls response, violence intervention programs, effects of increased police presence on perceptions of arrest risk, surveillance tools in your city, AI security tech, OH mayors launch data innovation, re-offending, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Antioch police chief assures residents there will be no gaps in service  (The Mercury News) McCurtain County residents demand Sheriff, Commissioner’s resignation  (KFOR) Exclusive: Analysis shows Jackson police chief misled council members, public about city’s crime rate  (WLBT) see also:  Editorial: With a Touch of Orwell, Mayor Misleads Again on Crime Stats  (Jersey City Times) Indy FOP wants police to stop responding to mental health calls after officer indictments  (IndyStar) CRIME RATE Police chief says Austin has seen a big drop in violent crime since state troopers started helping out  (Austin Monitor) D.C.’s Violence Intervention Programs To Receive In-Depth Evaluation  (DCist) New crime solutions tool

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Police structure and funding, hate crimes, transparency

Underfunding the police, smart policing grant program, pushing cities out of law enforcement, police misconduct consequences, broken windows theory, hate crimes jumped in 2021, collaboration in the justice system, body cams, AI may flag parents with disabilities, police transparency, mass incarceration, and more... POLICE CONDUCT We’re Underfunding the Police  (The Atlantic) Justice launches $8M smart policing grant program  ( Why Some States Are Pushing Cities Out of Law Enforcement  (Governing) Aggressive Policing in Memphis Goes Far Beyond the Scorpion Unit  (The Marshall Project) Chatham County Police Department launches new app to connect with, alert public  ( These officers committed misconduct. But what were the consequences?  ( CRIME RATE New FBI data show reported hate crimes in the U.S. jumped in 2021  (NPR) What Broken Windows Theory Can Teach Us Now  (Slate) Crime isn't really increasing, but collaboration in justice system is  (Si

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: domestic violence, guns, surveillance

Gun violence prevention programs, police accountability, FBI gun seizures, data-driven approach to targeting gun violence, domestic violence, police surveillance, addressing violent crime, predictive policing, digital data used by police, government open data portals, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Mayor Duggan to launch gun violence prevention program at State of the City  (Detroit Free Press) Mayor to Mayor: Taking the lead on police accountability  (Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab) FBI gun seizure orders from people who fail background checks hit historic rates  (USA Today) CRIME RATE A data-driven approach to targeting gun violence  (Lockport Union-Sun & Journal) Criminal justice analysis center releases new insight into domestic violence reported in N.C.  (North Carolina Department of Public Safety) see also:  Report details how one police department addresses domestic-related repeat calls for service  ( Rise in bus driver assaults triggers new protec

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Stolen guns, ghost guns, gun violence

Professionalize the police, dissolution of crime solutions committee, gun violence an emergency, 'epidemic' of stolen guns, ghost gun increase, using AI to analyze body cam footage, scraping government websites, relational costs of wrongful convictions, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Professionalize the police. An obvious major reform needs more attention than it's getting.  (Noahpinion) Bellevue police chief says department should be able to cover cost of unbudgeted vehicle order  ( Killeen councilman asks for dissolution of Crime Solutions Committee  ( To curb violent crime, San Antonio police are trying something new  (KENS5) CRIME RATE Philly Mayoral Candidates Will Call Gun Violence an Emergency  ( ATF report shows 'epidemic' of stolen guns, legally bought guns used in crimes more quickly  (KING5) Ghost gun use in U.S. crimes has risen more than 1,000% since 2017, federal report says  (CBS News) CRIM-TECH What do we want police b

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: Red flag laws, police staffing, surveillance

Emergency call times, police staffing shortage, red flag laws, illegal guns, San Fran robots that can kill, biometric surveillance, corporate crime data, body cams, NY prison racial disparity, college in prison, and more... POLICE CONDUCT CMPD shares more insight about long emergency call times  (WCNC) Are Police Helicopter Fleets Worth the Money?  (Mother Jones) Janet Lauritsen issues call to modernize nation’s crime statistics during presidential address at American Society of Criminology conference  ( Police forces scramble to fill vacancies as crime rises CRIME RATE 19 states have red flag laws, but they are rarely used to stop gun violence  (Poynter) Why crime data may not present an accurate picture  (KSMU) Where are the criminals in Rochester getting their illegal guns?  (WHEC) CRIM-TECH San Francisco will allow police to deploy robots that kill  (AP News) A conversation on AI-powered gunshot detection with a police technology expert  (Carolina Public Press) Mass. issue

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: police suicides, under policing, drones

Police suicides, police insurance, under policing America, stand your ground laws, abandoned cars cause crime, extremist incidents, AI to fight illegal dumping, Minneapolis police drones, lack of crime data in America, reporting hazing incidents on college campus, mental health in prison, prison labor, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Police Suicides: Silence is No Longer an Answer  (The Crime Report) Texas sheriff opens criminal investigation into Martha's Vineyard migrant trips  (NBC News) Insurers force change on police departments long resistant to it  (The Washington Post) ‘The Injustice of Under-Policing in America’: Paper  (The Crime Report) Federal Oversight of Police Has Cost Cleveland Millions. What’s Changed?  (The Marshall Project) The Price Kids Pay: Schools and Police Punish Students With Costly Tickets for Minor Misbehavior  (ProPublica) CRIME RATE Gun Deaths Hit an All-Time High (Again) in 2021  (The Trace) see also:  Guns Are Driving Rising Suicide Rates in American Citi

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: FBI data, gun violence, crime rate

FBI crime data collection still stymied, calls mount to block warrantless data collection by police, FBI failed to complete 1M gun background checks, 'systemic failures' in Uvalde, looking at the crime wave, mental health may not prevent mass shootings, kids and guns, ShotSpotter tech under fire, predicting crime with AI, Marsy's Law in FL, commercial bail industry, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Boulder police chief recognized for evidence-based policing  (Daily Camera) FBI’s Crime Data Collection Still Being Stymied By Major Police Departments Not Reporting Crime Stats  (TechDirt) Calls Mount for Blocking Warrantless Mass Data Collection  (GovTech) see also:  Amazon Ring Records Given Directly to Police in Emergencies  (Bloomberg Law) How to Defuse Police-Civilian Encounters  ( FBI Failed to Complete Nearly 1M Gun Background Checks in 2020-2021  ( Report finds 'systemic failures,' poor leadership in response to Uvalde shooting  (R

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: racial bias, crisis hotlines, surveillance

Minnesota police race discrimination, Justice Department releases funds to hiring officers, crisis hotlines, gag rules frustrate police accountability, shortcomings of police on campus, violence against police, juvenile gun possession, police surveillance, tech suppliers hostile to transparency, Illinois politics and prison board, and more... POLICE CONDUCT The Minnesota Department of Human Rights on Wednesday released a report showing the Minneapolis Police Department has engaged in a pattern of race discrimination for at least a decade.  (Pioneer Press) Justice Department Releases over $320 Million in Solicitations for Hiring Law Enforcement Officers, Improving School Safety, and Combating Distribution of Illicit Drugs  (DOJ) A new crisis hotline, 988, is coming this summer. Is Washington ready?  (Yakima Herald Republic) see also:  Most 911 Calls Have Nothing To Do With Crime. Why Are We Still Sending Police?  ( You Have the Duty to Remain Silent: How Workplace Gag Rules Fru

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: police strategy, firearms, AI

Crime statistics influence police strategy, firearms leading cause of life lost, Stand Your Ground laws linked to increase in homicides, gun violence declared public health crisis, AI help with 911 staffing shortages, Maine law enforcement FOIA audit, criminal justice fee's trap people in poverty, Utah's clean slate law, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Phoenix police release bodycam footage of officer 'ambushed' by shooter  (AZ Central) 2 JP deputies arrested on manslaughter counts in shooting that left man dead  (WWLTV) Former St. Tammany Sheriff Jack Strain gets 4 life sentences in rape, incest case  (KNOE) Colorado could become 3rd state to ban police from lying to kids during interrogations  (Oregon Live) Michigan City crime statistics will influence police strategy  (NWI Times) CRIME RATE Firearms: the leading cause of years of potential life lost  (BMJ Journals)   ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws Linked to Increase in Homicides  (TheCrimeReport) More accurately capturing data

SpotCrime Weekly Reads: use of force, 2021 crime rate, police tech

Police suicides, use of force tracking, body cams, 2021 homicide numbers, police use of AI, facial recognition tech used to identify insurrectionists, did bail reform work or fail, crime prediction tech, COIVD outbreaks in jail, and more... POLICE CONDUCT Florida sheriff hopes suicides of 2 deputies is ‘catalyst for change’  (NBC News) New use-of-force tracking system moves Tennessee in right direction  (TN Coalition for Open Government) Police Don’t Need a Warrant to Pull Personal Data from Cars  (Governing) Vicksburg cops without body cameras can be suspended 5 days  (The Herald) see also:  St. Louis County Sheriff's View: Body-worn cameras reduce use-of-force incidents  (Duluth News Tribune) Fort Worth 911 Response Times Fall Short of Goals: Audit  (Governing) D.C. Police Tried To Fire 24 Current Officers For ‘Criminal Offenses.’ A Powerful Panel Blocked Nearly Every One, Documents Show  (DCist) CRIME RATE Why More American Children Are Dying by Gunfire  (New York Times) 10 of t